Sweating is a natural process that occurs within the human body. It is a way to get rid of the heat in our body. Sweat consists mainly of water, but also contains salt, urea, fat, lactic acid and minerals. These proportions depend on the type of food we eat, hormonal balance and the climate in which we live.
When can we talk about excessive sweating?
If the sweat glands produce an above-average amount of sweat, we are dealing with hyperhidrosis. Sweating disorders may occur in: obesity and overweight, menopause and andropause, diseases concerning severe fever, as well as in diabetes, malignant tumors and hypothyroidism, strong emotional and mental states and genetic inheritance.
When our body secretes more than 800 ml of sweat a day under normal conditions or more than a few liters in hot weather, we can also talk about hyperhidrosis. Of course, it is a natural phenomenon to produce more sweat when exercising, drinking coffee, tea and alcohol.
Cosmetics for excessive sweating
However, excessive sweating may cause mental disorders, embarrassment and shame, which leads to limited business and social connections. You can minimize this problem with home methods and medications. First of all, you need to take care of a proper diet – give up highly processed food, rich in sugar and fats, and limit drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cola). It is worth showering with cool water, as hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands. Deodorant should only be used on washed and dried skin, and only cotton socks should be worn on your feet. When fighting excessive sweating, you should use various types of foot deodorants, powders and herbal teas from the pharmacy. MEDICAL LINE comes to the rescue, containing natural soaps with nanosilver and white clay as well as foot cream with nanosilver and urea. Nanosilver is a compound with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. It has anti-inflammatory properties, regulating the secretion of sebaceous glands. White clay removes dead skin and cleanses perfectly. It limits the secretion of sebum, effectively mattifying the skin.
Natural soaps with nanosilver and white clay are intended for daily care of the entire body. The soap reduces inflammation, soothes and regenerates the skin. It reduces the feeling of sweating, oily body surface and has a mineralizing effect. It has a protective effect in the care of combination and oily skin.
Excessive foot sweating is also a common problem. Currently, there are more and more preparations on the market that eliminate this problem, such as Medispirant or Undofen. One of them is a specialized Foot Cream with Nanosilver and Urea. It is intended to alleviate the symptoms of diseases and also to treat: excessive sweating, foot psoriasis, foot keratosis, eczema and mycosis. The urea contained in it is responsible for moisturizing. It prevents epidermal water loss, leaving feet soft and pleasant to the touch. It has an exfoliating effect, helping to remove dead skin. Nanosilver has bactericidal and fungicidal properties and eliminates unpleasant odours.