Sleep is a key element for the proper functioning of the body. It is as important as a healthy, balanced diet, adequate hydration and physical activity. During sleep, our body rests and regenerates so that the next day we have strength and energy to act again. However, in order to be rested, not only the amount of sleep is important, but also its quality, so it is worth knowing the rules of proper sleep.
Unfortunately, in recent years society has been suffering from sleep deprivation, and the consequences of this, apart from not getting enough sleep, can lead to many diseases. Too little rest contributes to constant fatigue, which causes our body to lose its immunity. Concentration and the ability to remember information also decrease and our complexion deteriorates significantly.
In a few simple steps we can improve the quality of our sleep. First of all, you need to ensure that you properly prepare your sleeping space and plan your day so that you go to bed at the same time every day.

The most important rule is to wake up regularly at the same time, even on weekends, because it provides a rhythm to our body. The amount of sleep depends on age and health, but typically an adult should sleep seven hours a day, with no naps during the day. It is important to avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine and large meals a few hours before bed, as this adversely affects the quality of sleep. Just before going to bed, do not use the phone or watch TV, but try to create an atmosphere of silence and relaxation. You can read a few pages of a book or listen to calm music.
The fundamental issue affecting the quality of sleep is the choice of a mattress and pillow. We shouldn’t save on these things because we use them every day and they have a real impact on our health and well-being. We should choose the degree of mattress hardness based on our weight, e.g. for people weighing 50-80 kg, a medium-soft mattress will be suitable. The higher the weight, the harder the mattress should be. However, choosing the right pillow is quite a challenge. First of all, the pillow should be contoured and preferably made of memory foam that remembers the position of our body. The combination of a good mattress and pillow is half the success in achieving proper sleep. It is worth considering a breathable duvet and bedding made of cotton. The bedroom should be dim with warm yellow light, especially in the evening.